Prague College Library: Art of the Electronic Age
Title:      Art of the Electronic Age
Categories:      Art & Design
BookID:      ad-0073
Authors:      Frank Popper
ISBN-10(13):      9780500279182
Publisher:      Thames & Hudson Ltd
Publication date:      1997-06-02
Edition:      New edition
Number of pages:      192
Language:      English
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover

Highly successful and critically acclaimed, "Art of the Electronic Age" is now available in paperback for the first time, bringing to a wider audience the extraordinary artistic experimentation of the last 25 years. Frank Popper reveals the various trends that have been spawned by these unprecedented innovations - laser and holographic art; video, computer and communication art; installation, demonstration and performance art - and analyzes each of these movements in terms of its objectives and its participants. In showing what cannot be described by words alone, the colour illustrations are an essential aspect of this analysis. Popper demonstrates that such art has not emerged out of the blue, but is a clear evolution from the art and artists that preceded it, with the same objective of creating a shared aesthetic experience. A valuable study, "Art of the Electronic Age" should encourage such pioneering art to be assimilated, interpreted and enjoyed by a wider audience.